Friday, March 10, 2017

Review: Creed

Creed Creed by Erin Trejo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I may have a teeny tiny addiction to MC reads and try to inhale as many as I can so when I had a chance to read Creed I jumped at it.
Creed is my first book by this author so I didn't know what to expect going in, I don't read reviews prior to opening a book as I want to form my own opinion and not have anything given away.
Creed honestly took me a bit to get into, it may have been my mood as I'd just come off an extremely emotional book, but after a few chapters I was hooked.
Creed & Jada's loss early on when their lives were turned upside down made me want to cry, fast forward a few years when they cross paths again and both are in their own version of hell I started to get excited about the book. But that was just the beginning for them.
Jada's seemingly ideal life went downhill during Creed's absence. She suffered in her own home, then on the streets and finally at the hands of the man who she thought was saving her.
Running into Creed brings everything back, she hates him for leaving yet deep down loves him more than life itself.
And Creed has always loved Jada, he just couldn't handle the loss and ran.
Seeing these two try to work out their feelings while all hell is breaking loose around them kept the story rolling along at quick pace that kept me glued to the pages.
Creed is a solid 4 star read for me and I'm definitely going to check out the rest of this series.

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