Friday, April 3, 2015

Midnight Rain by Jettie Woodruff Blog Tour

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Book Title: Midnight Rain 
Author: Jettie Woodruff 
Genre: Adult Romance 
Release Date: March 30, 2015 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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Book Blurb
You walked with Makayla through her story. You know where she came from and how she became the person she is. You laughed and fell in love with Pea. You watched the pain and sorrow of life, but you also watched a little girl blossom into a beautiful morning rose.
You witnessed the love and connections between this little family, and learned first hand, how strong they really were.
Midnight Rain picks up where Black Rain left off. What happens AFTER the happily ever after? Better yet; what happened before the story ever began?
How did Blake grow into the man you met in Black Rain? What comes next for Mikki? Will true love prevail, or will the past haunt the future? Not only will you feel bumps left in Mikki's life, you'll also feel the ones Blake must hurdler in Midnight Rain.





Meet the Author

Hey everybody. I’m Jettie. I live in Ohio where it is, freezing cold. Why do I love in Ohio? Some of my favorite things, besides writing are, friends, family, the beach, (any is fine.) Music, although my interest has changed after forty. I like the new stuff. Pink is my favorite and I am going to one of her concerts, (my birthday is September 16th) Just saying. I am addicted to Lucky Charms at the moment, but that could change. Last month it was almonds. I write whatever I feel, because that’s what makes me happy. I don’t want to be in that box where I can only write one genre. I’m too crazy and life’s too short for boxes. And that’s about it. Last words. You can’t hang out with negative people and live a positive life. Run from them!

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Midnight Rain (Book #2)
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London Pea Jane Coast. The most amazing kid ever. I fell in love with her in Black Rain but by the end of Midnight Rain I wanted to kidnap her for my own! The things she says and does, it's just so damn perfect. She's the perfect mix of childlike innocence and on her way to being a bit of a smartass. So Black Rain ended with a shocker to us, Mikki's worst fear seemed to have shown up just when things were looking up for the first time in forever. Blake and Mikki are free to parent Pea, all of the grandparents involved are content and life couldn't be better. Except that Mikki is hiding something potentially huge. She's keeping her secret from Blake for good reason, I understood why but the fact that she didn't tell anyone and was planning to handle everything on her own by ignoring it an running ticked me off. She's a smart girl but I guess she was a bit young and hadn't really had many people she could count on so to an extent it's understandable. Okay beyond that, the story tells more about Janie. Mikki needs to know about her and Blake needs to talk about her. There's flashing back to Blake and Janie's past and then back Mikki & Blake as he tells her stories of their life together. Mikki and Blake's relationship helps to heal so many relationships, bringing the family closer together and giving Pea the parents she deserves. Midnight Rain was the perfect ending to their story. I loved every single character and will miss them, especially pea and her naughty/snarky mouth. My favorite quote from Pea~ Pea to Santa: "I think she is grouchy because theres a boy in there. But I still love her a hole lot and I want her to get some nerves for Christmas if you can do that."

Additional Books by the author


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Black Rain (Book #1)


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