Sunday, April 5, 2015

Release Tour ~ Royal Cowries by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku

Release Tour
Royal Cowries
Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku

Mar 31st - Apr 14th

Cover Designer: Obsessed by Books Designs

Flirty & Feisty Romance Novel
In the land of Igodomigodo in 1470, a man's word was law. But in the hands of a wild maiden, Uvbi, lies the future, where women might have a say. When her freedom is endangered, Uvbi issues a threat to Nagudia before she disappears.
Nagudia, a renowned bronze caster conceals his past to gain freedom, but when he hears a scream in the bush, he takes action and his destiny becomes intertwined with Uvbi's. Are their lives destined together or will the journey to come uncover truths that will throw them apart?

                                                               US  UK (Paperback)


Uvbi’s body shuddered, until recognition slowly drizzled into her soul. Indescribable joy drenched her cold bones, when her heart put a name to the voice.
It was the sharp, stern voice which plagued her since he rescued her from the bush.
Even then, she proceeded with caution. One foot in front of the other, she found her way to the doorway shielded by palm fronds.  
What if Nagudia wasn’t alone?
‘Uvbi, it is me, Nagudia. I bring you good news.’
His words rang in her ears.
Shocked out of her wits, warmth mingled with relief. Her heart gyrated with joy. But good sense stamped down the flood of elation.
‘Have you come to send me back?’
The men in Igodomigodo worked together. She trusted no one.
‘I do no such thing. I’m a man of peace.’
She didn’t wait to hear more. Uvbi rushed out of her hiding place, and brushed the many discomforts, and worries of the past ten sunsets behind. Without restraint, she flung herself into his strong arms.
Oh, her heaving chest left him breathing too fast now, and again. Not to mention her generous hips and legs, that could turn a man's good heart into a sinful cave.

I love writing romance novels that are as intriguing and flirty as they are entertaining. Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels are a wide range of toe-curling, skin-tingling romance books with compelling characters who have heart and soul.

The stories are dotted with unexpected twists and turns and conflict and are set in fascinating Africa, enticing Europe and America. The witty dialogue between the characters keeps you thoroughly entertained.

If you want to cuddle up and relax, grab a copy, travel with the characters and sail away to Pleasure Island. They cure boredom and relieve stress!

In 2010, I created Flirty & Feisty Romance Novel. My first contemporary romance novel; LOITERING SHADOWS was published in May 2010. Other Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels are, STORMY DEFENSE, BEYOND the LADY, the National Novel Writing Month 2010 winning novel, THE GARDENER’s ICE MAIDEN, SPARKLING DAWN, the spicy hot HUSBAND to RENT, Stolen Valentine Kiss (Holiday Series #1) and Kiss My Lips (Holiday Series #2).

I’m working on my first historical romance novel - a trilogy. My job is taking care of my gorgeous, life-size hero of a husband and two vibrant and loving ‘near teenagers’.

I love to read romance novels, swim and watch TV shows.

Hosted by Obsessive Pimpettes Promotions