Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Unexpected Chance by Annalisa Nicole ~ Cover Release

Title: Unexpected Chance
Series: Running Into Love #6
Author: Annalisa Nicole
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 20, 2015

Aiden Wellington has it all. He has an amazing, fulfilling job as a lawyer. He has a wonderful family who are all married with children. He has fancy cars, friends, and a beautiful Seattle home. Yes, he has everything a man could ever ask for, everything except the one thing that he desires most…a woman.

Savvy Russell has led an extremely hard life. She’s learned from a very early age that good things just don’t happen to her. She’s convinced karma has it out for her. When she finds something good, ultimately she’s left with nothing except for the shirt on her back. She’s always waiting for her newly found piece of happiness to be ripped away from her.

When life literally throws Savvy into Aiden’s arms can he get past his bitterness and see what is right in front of him?

Will Savvy finally put aside her misguided feelings of self-worthlessness to see what everybody else sees?

Is it possible to replace a lifetime of hurt with something as simple as love?

I am an “Indie” contemporary romance author. I live in California with my husband and two teenage boys. I absolutely love being a stay at home mom. 

I never liked reading as a kid. I only started reading romance novels in the past few years. My Kindle and I are inseparable now. A thought occurred to me in December of 2012 that maybe I could write a romance novel. So I went to work with the encouragement of my husband and my sister-in-law. It didn’t take long to figure out that I really enjoy writing. 

Today I am a self-published author and it has been an amazing journey.

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