Friday, April 3, 2015

SAVAGE by Jade C Jamison ~ Book Tour

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Are you ready for the ultimate tale of survival?



Kill or Die
Nina Hardwick has had a rough life since leaving high school, but inside she is still the girl looking for a silver lining. The past several years have left their toll on her psyche, and just as she feels like she’s climbing out of a deep abyss, her life and the lives of millions of others fall into shambles as a virus overtakes the country and leaves a plague of undead armies scouring the land.
In a desperate attempt to get away from the infected, Nina and some neighbors speed out of town, nearly killing a man on a motorcycle. When they stop to rescue him, Nina realizes that he is the one man from her past she never got over, the guy who should have been her high school sweetheart until she messed it up. But this unrequited love, Kevin Savage, says he doesn’t even remember her. Or does he?
Nina, Kevin, and her neighbors head to the wilderness and fight to survive not only the plague but also hunger, cold, their inner demons…and even each other. Will they survive and, more importantly, will her heart?

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I froze.  My heart was thumping in my chest and time seemed to have slowed to a crawl, so I watched as they got closer and my friends steeled themselves for engagement.  As though I was removed from the action, I saw chopping, swinging, lunging…as if I weren’t there on the battlefield.  Then I saw the violent gray body lunge at me, teeth gnashing and fingers clawing, but I couldn’t make myself move.  All around me, I saw my companions felling these creatures but I couldn’t seem to bring myself to do it.
It would be my demise.
I could hear Kevin beside me, yelling at me while fending off his own attacker, but then he lunged in front of me, shoving the tire iron in the neck of the creature that was ready to eat me alive, making it drop to the ground.
And then, suddenly, it was over.
They were all dead.  My friends’ weapons—and their response—had saved us.
Everything became more vivid then.  The blood seemed even redder on the pristine snow; the skies were a brilliant blue, the evergreens, the richest shade of olive I’d ever seen.
And then time sped up again, and Kevin gripped my shoulders, forcing me to look at him.  I could sense Larry beside me ready to say something too, but he was leaving it up to the man who had my attention.  “You can’t just stand there and do nothing.  They’ll kill you, Nina.  It’s you or them.  Kill or die, Nina Davis.”  His jaw rippled before he repeated each word with force.  “Kill or die.”
In spite of the fear that had drained my body and despite the new appreciation I suddenly had for living, it didn’t escape my attention that he’d called me by my maiden name.
His face was so close to mine, his expression intense, his eyes like cold steel.  He was a thing to be feared, and yet…I expected him to kiss me…

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I gave it a 4.5 star rating
This book is not something I would normally read about but I got sucked into the storyline right away. I had to know how it would end!
Nina has been through so much in her life, she was so naïve in her younger years that it costs her having a real boyfriend. She met her husband, had two kids and then lost her husband to MS. She is trying to keep going until she gets wind that a virus is spreading throughout the country, turning people grey and biting(kinda like a zombie except they aren’t dead). She gets a call from her Aunt and then one of the infected crashes into her fence. With the help of her neighbor, his wife and Savage, they head to her Aunt’s house. They are in survival mode for most of the book. They don’t know who all is infected and where to go to get supplies. They take chances every time they go outside. Nina is determined to survive and find her kids. She also finds out how strong she really is. While all this is going on, romance is brewing between her and Savage. They had a short lived high school romance back in the day but now they realize what they had was love. This was a great book and hooked me quickly!

About the Author
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Jade C. Jamison was born and raised in Colorado and has decided she likes it enough to stay forever. Jade's day job is teaching Creative Writing, but teaching doesn't stop her from doing a little writing herself.
Unfortunately, there's no one genre that quite fits her writing. Her work has been labeled romance, erotica, suspense, and women's fiction, and the latter is probably the safest and closest description. But you'll see that her writing doesn't quite fit any of those genres.
You'll have to discover Jade's writing for yourself to decide if you like it.

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